Thursday, August 26, 2010

Day 211 – Thursday 26th August 2010

Another struggle to escape the clutches of the covers was had this morning. We are looking forward to a morning with no alarm. Maybe on Saturday?

Today I was hit by something at school. These children lack the power to imagine. They are missing out on the fun of their minds. They have never been taught or allowed to use them. We are looking at talking about the future at the moment, and today’s task was to imagine what life would be like in 100 years. They couldn’t do it. No thoughts of flying cars, or houses in the clouds, or even trips to Mars. All we got was everyone would have a car, and a new hospital would be built. Their hard lives seem to have stripped them of their imagination. It was so sad.

Armorel was also busy as she was rushed off to meeting for the day about HIV / AIDS prevention and protection. It was with a UK based charity called ‘Mildmay’. She seemed to have an interesting time. One thing about meetings in Tanzanian is that you always get food without fail, and she did get a good spread. The funny thing was that they decided that there wasn’t enough food for everyone and so they should be given a meal allowance as compensation. They all got given the equivalent of £10, a lot of money out here.

We scratch our heads a lot!

This afternoon we had sports and games at school, though Armorel’s meeting meant she missed most of it. All went well until a student collapsed at the end of the game, and we ended up having to drive him home.

All this meant we didn’t get home till dusk, so have eaten dinner and watched an ER, and now it is time for bed.

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