Friday, August 13, 2010

Day 198 – Friday 13th August 2010

Thank goodness it is Friday, and we hope that it all goes smoothly.

I went to school and taught my one lesson, which was even shorter than usual, as the heads assembly went on. The topic; Immoral Women (and men, though they aren’t as bad, supposedly). I then headed to the ‘Shamba’ for a day of cutting down trees and clearing the ground for the building of houses to begin. We will need to continue tomorrow but some good work was started.

Armorel’s day at the clinic was quieter than normal. Ramadan has started and so we were told that many Muslims would not come to the clinic during daylight hours. This did however mean that Armorel could spend more time on the ward helping out the nurses. She has been running some training sessions on ‘Early Warning Scores’ and on taking regular obs, but finds working with them one-to-one afterwards is very beneficial. They are making progress, though it is slow.

This afternoon I played football in the baking sun. It was so hot, but great fun. I really needed the run out and definitely ran my socks off today. I scored a great solo goal after a 60 yard run and hit the post three times from long distance shots. We won 7-4. (excuse my excitement, but my dreams of a professional career continue)

This evening we went to Cindy and Kees house for dinner. They are the Australian couple who are based in Tabora but have been working out in the villages for the past two and a half months. It was nice to catch up and eat some lovely food, including homemade ice cream.

The bed is now calling. The alarm is not being set and I think the phones will be turned off too!

Good Night!

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