Saturday, July 24, 2010

Day 177 – Friday 23rd July 2010

The drugs are definitely kicking in, but I am not up for heading into work. Eating breakfast tires me out. As you can see it’s a nice treat to have with your tea!P1010119

So a nice lazy day for me of reading and relaxing, though I am now bored of this. I can’t sit still this long. I even considered going to Friday football, but the thought of changing was tiring enough.

Armorel had another busy cardiac clinic today, which continues to challenge and stretch her. She also experienced a gem of African living.

She arrived for a meeting on time, as the guy leading it was leaving to pick someone up at the airport. She followed hoping to have the meeting there. They didn’t. She stood around waiting. She had been told she had to be there. Nearly 2 hours later, it was all over and time to return to the clinic. She had been asked nothing, and achieved nothing.

Only in Africa! What a waste of time. The queues of patients waiting for her on her return were not too happy.

This evening I am going to bed early, but Arms is going out to see some friends. I hope tomorrow I will have some more energy.

1 comment:

  1. Oh Salbergs.... very different times in Africa hey. Really hope today brings Faith, Hope and Love! ... Amen!! :)
