Sunday, July 18, 2010

Day 172 – Sunday 18th July 2010

The power was on and off all night which was particularly frustrating, as every time it came on so did our outside light which managed to wake me up.

Luckily power was on in the morning so I was able to have a cup of tea.

Church was good, though quiet this morning, and we then headed into the market to do a veg shop.

It was then our turn to host our market lady friend. We went and picked her and her daughter up, along with two other children. One was her brother’s daughter, but the other one we never worked out who he was.

All seemed to be going well, and we were passing the Swahili test, but then it became apparent that they were expecting lunch!

Lucky that we had just been to the market!

So while Armorel played Frisbee and chatted, I dashed round the kitchen and concocted some food. It seemed to go down alright.

It is great that we are building these relationships, but also very hard with the language barrier. Please pray for this.

Exhausted, we relaxed for a bit and I think both fell asleep. To wake us up we headed out on a walk around the block in the afternoon sun, which is still very warm. It was 43 degrees at 4pm.

On the walk we suddenly heard someone shout ‘John’. Over the fence, our friend Adrian appeared and invited us in. He was just having a BBQ and had too much food. What a result, as we tucked into some lovely delights.

This evening we were able to watch a new nature series, thank you Dom, and had a lovely chat with my folks.

However, we are now thinking we will watch something else, as the local bar is pumping out ridiculously loud music, and we will never be able to sleep.

Lord we pray for a power cut!P1010107

Nearly ready to be made into jam!

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