Monday, September 27, 2010

Day 243 – Monday 27th September 2010

Amazingly it was a little chilly this morning, and I even contemplated a light jumper.

I was busy teaching this morning and had all the students take on different characters for some dramatic reading. They struggled to get into it but we are making some slow progress.

I then headed over to the clinic just before lunch. The girls were very busy and had a really sick girl on the ward. Her prognosis is not very good.

The clinic is not as calm and relaxed as it has been. We hope it starts to settle soon. It needs to.

I headed for a short walk around the farm to assess the building work. All is going well out there, and the foundations will be set by the end of the week.

It is bedtime again and with the inside temp at 27, we are bracing ourselves for another sticky night.


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