Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Day 91 – Wednesday 28th April 2010

We have not had any water for three weeks now and our reserves are getting low. There is a huge problem with water in Tabora. It looks like the rains have ended, with the reservoirs very low and crops struggling to survive. It is going to be a hard dry season for everyone.

So what do we do? We wait and see if the mains water starts flowing again, or we head of down to the well with the rest of the town and our buckets. It really makes you think, but these wells won’t stay full for long either.

Armorel headed to the village of Kilungu today with the mobile clinic. It was a slight change of roles, which included being the nurse overseeing the vaccinations, but not actually doing them, and the paediatrician. This required Armorel to use her advancing Swahili to try to assess, treat and reassure the patients. She had a great day. I think they want her to become the clinic’s specialist paeds nurse!

I taught this morning and spent the afternoon running around town. Getting bottled water so we could drink, trying to fix the flat with a huge nail in it and trying to sort out our internet. We are relying on a mobile phone dongle connection which isn’t ideal, so few pictures I am afraid.

Tonight, Armorel is fighting tiredness and I am fighting the urge to eat more cinnamon rolls which have been baked today.

So you can be reassured, we aren’t suffering too badly.

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