Sunday, April 11, 2010

Day 74 – Sunday 11th April 2010

The comedy of church continues.

It is 9am, and 6 of us are sitting there waiting. Where are the leaders?

Twenty minutes pass and then I start to feel that I am going to have to lead and speak. My brain starts planning.

And then we get asked why we are here so early. We check our watches, no mistake there, and yes it is Sunday.


“The service now starts at 10am.”

There had been talk of maybe moving the service time but that was as far as it had got. So we finished church a bit later today, and so next week we will start at... 9:30am. Don’t ask!

Sunday lunch was a lovely mix of fine Indian cuisine at Mama Joshi’s. It is not a restaurant but in the house of this lovely Indian couple who tell all that they do the best curry in town. They do!

It was a very quirky way to have lunch, very reasonably priced and hopefully safe. We also left with flowers and seeds to plant and homemade curry mix. We wasted away the afternoon sat underneath a Mango tree just taking in the peculiarity of the situation.

This evening we have spent getting ready for another week of work, which we are trying to motivate ourselves for by listening to the pumping tunes of the Moulin Rouge soundtrack.

Worryingly we know most of the words and have a strange urge to dance a little.



1 comment:

  1. the best curry or the ONLY curry in town?
