Sunday, April 18, 2010

Day 81 – Sunday 18th April 2010

The new church time is a winner. It may be only half an hour later but it makes such a difference. We sat outside with tea and porridge reading our books in the early morning sun.

Church was again amusing and quirky. There was a guest speaker from American speaking at all the services and made a flying visit to speak to the small English speaking clan. A good message though a bit shouty for me.

Today has been a productive and creative day. I baked a loaf of bread, with a large amount of flour missing from the recipe, still tasted lovely, and Armorel put together a peg bag using her loaned sewing machine.

There was one large issue of the day though.

No milk!

No milk means no tea and this is not something to even consider. And on a Sunday, short of milking a cow, our chances of finding any looked slim.

We headed out on a walk with faith and a few coins and to our upmost joy found a small box of UHT in a tiny duka (shop in a shack). Expensive as it may have been, it was worth it. Buoyed by our purchase we carried on our walk, I nearly got run over by a bike and motorbike as I was too busy looking for animals, and then....P1000611

the sky went black, and the heavens erupted!

We got soaked to the skin. We attempted sheltering under a tree but the force of the rain was so great that it was pointless. We ran home much to amusement of the local community.

P1000608This evening we have dried out and I have carried on with another of my quests.

AIM 12 – Complete Spider solitaire on advanced level.

87 games since being in Tanzania and I am no closer to completing this task.

Sunday evening we have decided will also become ‘Nature’ night so we have a planet earth to watch, and I am currently trying to convince Armorel that ER is also a nature programme. My argument is fragile to say the least!

1 comment:

  1. Hello John and Armorel,
    Just wanted to say how much I am enjoying your blog. I was particularly interested in the baby clinics you were running the other day.
    I do a baby clinic with John's Mum, but our busy clinics are not a patch on yours :)
    Keep writing!
